Lees hier onze publicaties van wetenschappelijke artikelen en proefschriften.
User-friendliness of the pain assessment in impaired cognition (PAIC15) in persons with aphasia: a pilot study
de Vries, N.J., Smaling, H.J.A., van der Steen, J.T., & Achterberg, W.P.
User Friendliness Of The Pain Assessment In Impaired Cognition PAIC15 In Persons With Aphasia A Pilot Study
de Vries et al. (2025)
Evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of different recruitment strategies for the FINGER-NL multidomain lifestyle intervention trial via the Dutch Brain Research Registry
Waterink, L., Sikkes, S.A.M., Soons, L.M., Beers, S., Meijer-Krommenhoek, Y., van de Rest, O., Nynke, S., Oosterman, J.M., Scherder, E., Deckers, K., Vermeiren, Y., de Heus, R.A.A., Köhler, S., van der Flier, W.M.; MOCIA consortium, FINGER‐NL consortium; & Zwan, M.D.
Evaluation Of Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Different Recruitment Strategies For The FINGER NL Multidomain Lifestyle Intervention Trial Via The Dutch Brain Research Registry
Waterink et al. (2025)
Measuring implicit associations with behaviours to improve resident mood: development of implicit association tasks for nursing home care providers
Knippenberg, I., Leontjevas, R., Declercq, I., van Lankveld, J., & Gerritsen, D.
Measuring Implicit Associations With Behaviours To Improve
Knippenberg et al. (2025)
Informal care for people with dementia in Europe
Handels, R., Hataiyusuk, S., Wimo, A., Sköldunger, A., Bakker, C., Bieber, A., Ciccone, A., Defanti, C.A., Fabbo, A., Fascendini, S., Frölich, L., Gervès-Pinquié, C., Gonçalves-Pereira, M., Irving, K., Koopmans, R., Mecocci, P., Merlo, P., Michalowsky, B., Peters, O., Pijnenburg, Y., Ribeiro, Ó., Salbaek, G., Schwarzkopf, L., Verbeek, H., de Vugt, M., Woods, B., Zanetti, O., Winblad, B., Jönsson, L.; Actifcare consortium, ICTUS/DSA group, PLASA/DSA group, RECAGE consortium, & RightTimePlaceCare consortium.
Informal Care For People With Dementia In Europe
Handels et al. (2025)
The PET@home Toolkit: A Process Evaluation Study
Reniers, P.W.A., Hediger, K., Declercq, I.J.N., Enders-Slegers, M.J., Gerritsen, D.L., & Leontjevas, R.
The PET@Home Toolkit A Process Evaluation Study
Reniers et al. (2024)
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions: An Ethnographic Study of Researcher Discretion in Practice
van Drimmelen, T., Slagboom, M.N., Reis, R., Bouter, L.M., & van der Steen, J.T.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions An Ethnographic Study Of Researcher Discretion In Practice
van Drimmelen et al. (2024)
The value of virtual simulation in training GP residents in advance care planning conversations
Tros, W., van der Steen, J.T., Numans, M.E., van Peet, P.G., & Boogaard, J.A.
The Value Of Virtual Simulation In Training GP Residents In Advance Care Planning Conversations
Tros et al. (2024)
Acceptability of bispectral Index monitoring in end-of-life care for dementia
Xu 须静媛, J., Smaling, H.J., Dahan, A., Chan, J., & van der Steen, J.T.
Acceptability Of Bispectral Index Monitoring In End Of Life Care For Dementia
Jingyuan et al. (2024)
"Are you listening?": Experiences shared online by family caregivers of patients in the palliative phase during the Covid-19-pandemic
Hoffstädt, H.E., Verhoef, M.J., Akkermans, A., van der Steen, J.T., Stoppelenburg, A., de Vries, S., de Graaf, E., Teunissen, S.C.C.M., Hartog, I.D., & van der Linden, Y.M.
“Are You Listening” Experiences Shared Online By Family Caregivers Of Patients In The Palliative Phase During The Covid 19 Pandemic
Hoffstädt et al. (2024)
Instruments for assessing social health in the context of cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review
Altona, J., Wiegelmann, H., Lenart-Bulga, M., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Verspoor, E., Seifert, I., Misonow, J., Szcześniak, D., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Jeon, Y.H., Moniz-Cook. E., Roes. M., Perry, M., & Wolf-Ostermann, K.
Instruments For Assessing Social Health In The Context Of Cognitive Decline And Dementia A Systematic Review
Altona et al. (2024)
Medical complications and advance medical decision-making in the minimally conscious state
Overbeek, B.U.H., van Erp, W.S., Eilander, H.J., Koopmans, R.T.C.M., & Lavrijsen, J.C.M.
Medical Complications And Advance Medical Decision Making In The Minimally Conscious State
Overbeek et al. (2024)
Understanding mealtime behavioral problems in nursing home residents living with dementia: a group concept mapping approach
van Buuren, E.C.P., Perry, M., Bakker, C., Koopmans, R.T.C.M., & van der Steen, J.T.
Understanding Mealtime Behavioral Problems In Nursing Home Residents Living With Dementia A Group Concept Mapping Approach
Van Buuren et al. (2024)
What do family caregivers of patients with life-threatening diseases need from healthcare professionals? A qualitative study
Hoffstädt, H.E., Tam, M.C., Stoppelenburg, A., Stoevelaar, R., van Bodegom-Vos, L., van der Steen, J.T., van der Linden, Y.M., & Hartog, I.D.
Hoffstädt et al. (2024)
The frequency and types of resident relocations in Dutch nursing homes: a nationwide cohort study of electronic health record data
Schreuder, M.C., Joling, K.J., Groen, W.G., Perry, M., Landeweer, E.G.M., Luijendijk, H.J., Zuidema, S.U.; RELOCARE Consortium.
The Frequency And Types Of Resident Relocations In Dutch Nursing Homes A Nationwide Cohort Study Of Electronic Health Record Data
Schreuder et al. (2024)
Modifying a multidisciplinary method to address challenging behavior in nursing home residents with dementia to involve family caregivers
Tasseron-Dries, P.E.M., Smaling, H.J.A., van der Steen, J.T., & Achterberg, W.P.
Modifying A Multidisciplinary Method To Address Challenging Behavior In Nursing Home Residents With Dementia To Involve Family Caregivers
Tassseron-Dries et al. (2024)
Impact and Needs in Caregiving for Individuals With Dementia and Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Living in Nursing Homes
Havermans, D.C.D., Cations, M., Woudsma, J.S., Janssen, I., Collet, J., Gerritsen, D.L., Hoeboer, C.M., Olff, M., & Sobczak, S.
Impact And Needs In Caregiving For Individuals Withdementia And Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorderliving In Nursing Homes
Havermans et al. (2024)
Developing a research agenda on NATure-based and Animal-assisted Intervention Strategies (NATAIS) in people with neurodegenerative diseases with a specific focus on social isolation and loneliness: a group concept mapping procedure
Declercq, I.J.N., Leontjevas, R., Enders-Slegers, M.J., Molog, M., Gerritsen, D.L., Hediger, K.; NATAIS Working Group.
Developing A Research Agenda On Nature Based And Animal Assisted Intervention Strategies (NATAIS) In People With Neurodegenerative Diseases With A Specific Focus On Social Isolation And Loneliness A Group Concept Mapping
Declercq et al. (2024)
How international experts would define advance care planning: a content analysis
van der Steen, J.T., de Wit, E.J., Visser, M., Nakanishi, M., Van den Block, L., Korfage, I.J., In der Schmitten, J., Sudore, R.L.
How International Experts Would Define Advance Care Planning A Content Analysis
Van der Steen et al. (2024)